Friday, August 23, 2013

Examples of Shaykh Abdul Muhsin al-Abbaad‘s Piety:

When the Shaikh served as president of the Islamic University of Madeenah, he didn’t abuse his position and take it as an opportunity to oppress the workers and employees. Shaikh Hammaad Al-Ansaaree relates: “I went to the University at the time of ‘Asr when Shaikh ‘Abdul-Muhsin served as its president. And there would be no one in the University except for him and me. So I said to him: ‘Why don’t you bring someone who will open the University for you before you come?’ He replied: ‘I will not make anybody work at this time because it is a time of rest.’ This was at the time of ‘Asr.”

One graduate from the University related that when the Shaikh was president there he would not like to stop the university car on the road to buy things for the house. Meaning: Since the car was just to take him to and from work, he would not like to abuse this by using it for personal reasons.

On another occasion, when his term of presidency ended, his driver saw him standing on the street waiting, so he passed by him as usual and offered to take him home, but he replied: “I wouldn’t think of it. My term as president has ended and I called my son to come and get me.”

Source: Biography of Shaykh Abdul Muhsin al-Abbaad (hafidhahullah)

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